Performance Task Assessment & the CWRA: Better Goal-Posts for Student Learning
Performance Task assessment, whereby students are posed a challenging, real-world situated problem and presented associated documents for critical review and analysis and required to respond with a thoughtful, creative essay answer, is a different and better way to evaluate student learning. Performance task assessment is coming to public education in CCSS participating states in the new assessments being developed by PARCC and Smarter Balanced. The College Work Readiness Assessment is used by about 100 US high schools, public and private, and its analogue the Collegiate Learning Assessment, is used by a about 300 colleges and universities. Jonathan Martin has used CWRA for three years at his independent school; Pam Moran is beginning use of CWRA and is deploying Performance Task Assessments K-12 in her district, using it to assess contemporary learning growth w students, as tool for assessing professional learning needs among staff, and to assess curricular applications w/in across discipline: together they will host and facilitate this conversation.
Conversational Practice
We have a number of ideas and intentions for making this more of a conversation than a presentation: we intend to share sample performance task assessments and invite groups to spend a short time discussing how they'd approach and answer the challenge, what skills and learning will need to have been learned to succeed, and how these tasks can evolve toward becoming more authentic and more rigorous. We'll ask groups to consider how and where performance task assessments can be embedded in their schools, and ask groups to conduct a gallery walk of sorts on large post-its writing to us and each other their sense of the pros, cons, questions, and improvements that we can make to make performance task assessment more meaningful for students and educators.
Sophie Bryan
Leslie HealeySt. Mark's High School
tracy saltz
Jaimie Stevenson
Lois McGee
Nancy WhiteAcademy District 20
Hadley FergusonSpringside Chestnut Hill Academy
Deb Schiano
Anthony Celini
Emily Looser
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Bo AdamsUnboundary
jen Gleason
Mark SilberbergLittle Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin HS
Jill GoughTrinity School
Sue KingUpper Perkiomen School District
Jamie BrittoCollegiate School
Jamie GravellUCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Sciences
Philip CummingsPresbyterian Day School
elizabeth helfant
Michael KaecheleKent Innovation High School
Megan HowardThe Walker School
Henry Fisher
Ed Allen
Whitney HoffmanKennett Consolidated School District
Laura WhiteAshoka
Tina GiannopoulosWRDSB
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