Qualitative formative assessment: Letting the ideal learning environment dictate the tools
The primary focus of this conversation is qualitative formative assessment of student understanding. In an ideal world, teachers would have the ability to facilitate 1-on-1 (or 1-on-few) conversations with each student on an ongoing basis in order to see where they are in the learning and to adapt and adjust instruction to best suit their needs. How can we leverage emerging technologies to facilitate this kind of relationship?
Before integrating any educational technology tools, it is important to anchor an exploration for the given learning environment. Learning goals, instruction and assessment, tools and resources: these are three major components of any classroom activity, lesson, project, or unit. But which is driving which in your teaching environment? In the current day and age it is easy to let the tools drive curriculum, instruction, and assessment while losing sight of the things that matter most – the learning goals.
We'll start with a quick 'checking for understanding' activity. Be prepared to think and to do.
We'll shift our focus towards solution-finding by connecting learning and assessment goals of interest to instructional practices supported by technology using a simple framework that can support qualitative formative assessment: create, curate, & publish.
By the end of the day (not necessarily by the end of the session), we will have constructed a curated resource of goals, approaches, and tools that can be referenced beyond the conference.
Conversational Practice
Link to collaborative workspace is below. Organized chaos. Rapid Fire Conversations. Prepare to think and to share! Outline: Opening Activity; Brief Introduction & Overview; Breakout conversations (Goals, Approaches, Tech).
Conversation Links
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aORlWtWLJaQ2HCOjEvJZtLmO4hPtf8W9xDZOji9dgtY/edit
- http://www.slideshare.net/Reshanrichards/educon2013
- http://www.constructivisttoolkit.com
- http://www.twitter.com/reshanrichards
- http://www.explaineverything.com
Josh McLaughlin
Casey Reed
John KrouskoffBrewster Central School District
Todd Menadier
Anastacia BrieHudson Highschool of Learning Technologies
Misty OvermanGreater Atlanta Christian School
Kathryn DonahueIndependent Consultant
Jaimie Stevenson
Christopher ProctorGirls' Middle School
Josh GatesTatnall School
Margie Salvante
Troy Sosnovik
John KrouskoffClarkstown Central School District
Kim DeveauxEthical Culture School
Sue KingUpper Perkiomen School District
Nancy WhiteAcademy District 20
Anthony Celini
Deb Schiano
Reshan RichardsTeachers College, Columbia University
Jeanne GanSt. George's School of Montreal
Jo-Ann WongSt. George's School of Montreal
Dave Thomer
Jennifer Medbery
Christian KunkelJarv.us
Vinnie VrotnyKinkaid School
Megan HowardThe Walker School
Bernice Rummonds
Cyndy BordenSt. George's School of Mtl
Kevin Jarrett
Hillary LinardopoulosPhiladelphia Federation of Teachers
jen Gleason
JP ConnollySaint Ann's School
Rhonda DeChiricoHampton Roads Academy
Mike SlingerSD 43
Angel Bestwick
Elizabeth Clarke
Christina Roy
Ken KozarLakewood High School
Jonathan MarinoMapStory
William StitesMontclair Kimberley Academy
Jason StephensonDeer Creek High School
elizabeth helfant
Diana PottsEthical Culture Fieldston School, Fieldston Lower
Maureen Tumenas
Wendy Feilen
Jon SchererWissahickon Charter School
Daniel B. LeeDuke TIP
Mary Alvord MacDonaldMount Greylock Regional School District
Todd NienkerkFour Kitchens: Websites made with love. For good.
Dan AginsPawcatuck Middle School
Mairead Canavan
Paul CancellieriNC Ctr for the Advancement of Teaching
Tommie HataBarrie School
Alex RagoneCity and Country School
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