Authenticity: Nailing Down the Impossible
We have studied and practiced Project-Based Learning and Teaching and come to the conclusion that authenticity is one of the key components of great PBL (alongside rigorous subject area learning, feedback & revision, and student agency). However, we are grappling with how we define authenticity and coach teachers to improve this area of their teaching and learning. How do we get beyond the "I'll know it when I see it" idea and transform educational opportunities for students by increasing authenticity in learning opportunities? Join us in wrestling with these ideas and brainstorming solutions to this quandary.
Conversational Practice
Brainstorming and Guided Group Discussions
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AnneFay Sullivan
Heather SlatoffEast Penn School District
Michael ReichertSalesianum
Chris ChampionWest Shore School District
Bryan LakatosThe Miami Valley School
Sarah Schneider KavanaghUniversity of Pennsylvania
Cara CostaKIPP Rise Academy
Mary Anne MoranNipmuc Regional High School
Rachel Parsons
Rachel IrvinOak Ridge Elementary School
Mary Webster
Kristin Susens
Christina McCabe
Diana PottsScience Leadership Academy Middle School
William SutherlandSalesianum School
Michael McCabeCommunity - Learning - Design Corporation, Inc
Charlie HaleFirstHand (University City Science Center)
Megan McNamaraPhiladelphia High School for Girls
Kristin YoungParkland School District
Mark TurnerMy classroom is a garage- Building Futures
Joanne Beckwith
Jason Falconio
Cortnee PliskinYES Prep Northbrook Public School
Liz Davis
Jackie White
Alexa DunnSchool District of Philadelphia
Kim SanfordEast Middle School
Caitlin ThompsonInquiry Schools
Dan AginsPawcatuck Middle School
Rebecca Yacono
Lauren Will
Jenny LeeSpeyer Legacy School
Jeanette Simenson
Sara Charme-Zane
Anna MuessigNew Jersey Education Association
James MillerMidland University
Jocelyn Kepple
Audrey Kraftson
Chris LoefflerWilmington Friends School
Zachary HerrmannUniversity of Pennsylvania
Michael MeechinPrincipal, NeoCity Academy
Julie GelsingerSouth Western High School
Bryan RosenNightingale-Bamford School
David BransonKIPP New Jersey
Maureen CohenMendon-Upton Regional School District (MURSD)
Gena LopataThe Crefeld School
Sebastian GluzmanThe Shipley School
Jessica RaleighDenver Public Schools
Jill LenickSouth Western High School
Maryann MolishusCouncil Rock SD
JR RennaParkland SD
BJ EnzweilerScience Leadership Academy
Haley Robinson
Suzie KatzPhotoWings
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Eileen GlassmireWorcester Academy
Presenter Profiles
Caitlin Thompson
Inquiry Schools
Zachary Herrmann
University of Pennsylvania
Sarah Schneider Kavanagh
University of Pennsylvania
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