Playlist-Centered Professional Development
Playlists-Centered Professional Development (PCPD) is an innovative model that the New York City Writing Project is beginning to use to bring connected, digital media learning into NYC schools. Our goal is to increase the number of youth who have access to high-quality connected learning in new media arts by working alongside teachers in NYC schools, helping them to build online curriculum projects (playlists) and digital portfolio assessment systems (badges). We are helping teachers to integrate digital media learning into their academic curriculum, which allows us to meet youth where they are: in classrooms during the school day.
We have found a fit between the NYCWP and LRNG in that we are both open, networked organizations. With LRNG we are able to give teachers and youth the ability to use playlists (curated sets of digital projects) from around the country on the platform. The NYCWP uses LRNG to give us the flexibility and capacity to collaborate with a shared platform rather than creating within our own silo. Another important value that NYCWP shares with LRNG has to do with who builds the content. Educators and youth not only use the projects on LRNG, they are curriculum creators as well. And LRNG’s capacity to support educators and youth to become curriculum creators and assessors is at the heart of this work of the NYCWP: we are developing a professional development framework where the NYCWP will work with teachers to craft playlists rich in digital media learning for youth in their schools.
Conversational Practice
After a brief orientation to the New York City Writing Project and our work in NYC schools using Youth Voices and LRNG, we will show a couple of playlists and the work on Youth Voices as examples. Most of the time will be given to educators and youth in our workshop to create an XP (digital learning experience) then share it with others with the idea of fitting them together as a playlist. This should lead to plenty of conversation.
Conversation Links
Daniel DioGuardiEducate LLC
Paul AllisonWriting Partners / New York City Writing Project
Samuel Reed IIIU School / Philadelphia Writing Project
Jill BrowneBinghamton City Schools
Michael ReichertSalesianum
Erin Franzinger BarrettChicago Public Schools
Jason Falconio
Diana PottsScience Leadership Academy Middle School
Hadley FergusonEdcamp Foundation
Kristin YoungParkland School District
Peggy GeorgeClassroom 2.0 LIVE
Bryan RosenNightingale-Bamford School
Molly Waldron
Susan BauerEast Penn SD
David Ristow
Rick Bray
Neda Blackburn
Christina CantrillNational Writing Project
Katie Gambardella
Linda Nelson
Anna MuessigNew Jersey Education Association
James MillerMidland University
Chris LoefflerWilmington Friends School
Tonya LittleCOO, Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies
Alvin TrustyLiberty-Benton Local Schools
Heather BeckLake Oswego School District
Jeffrey McClurkenUniversity of Mary Washington
Brian JohnsonTilden Middle School
Bryan LakatosThe Miami Valley School
Joanne Beckwith
Colin SamuelThe Brearley School
Dan WhalenCollingswood Public Schools
Sebastian GluzmanThe Shipley School
Geoffrey VonRentzell
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